realtor for sale sign house“When is the best time of year to sell my home in Arizona?” This is one of the most common questions people ask when they are thinking about listing their home for sale. Every market varies, but here in the East Valley of Arizona, the market data shows us that our buyer demand peaks during the months of March, April, May and June. We are currently experiencing heavy buyer activity, which means it is an excellent time to list your home for sale! Many buyers are looking to purchase a home before the summer hits and this is especially true for families with school-aged children who are looking to move and get settled into their new home before the school year begins again in July and August. Perhaps there is a buyer out there just waiting for a home like yours to hit the market!

So, if you are asking the question, “When is the best time of year to sell my home in Arizona?” then the answer is: NOW! If you would like a FREE market analysis of your home’s current value, then please don’t hesitate to contact Keely Semon at 480.220.1321. She will be happy to educate you on the local real estate market and provide you with a detailed comparative market analysis (CMA) for your home.

Buyer Demand Cycle East Valley Cities 2014


Keely is an experienced, local Gilbert AZ Realtor®, and she will be honored to assist you on your real estate journey and help you navigate through the process of  buying and selling Gilbert AZ Real Estate.

Keely Profile PicKeely Semon
Gilbert AZ Realtor®
United Brokers Group

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